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High-quality welding blankets and welding curtains for high-temperature applications

Welding Protection

Welding Blankets and Welding Curtains for high-temperature industrial applications – up to 1600°C.

We are your specialized manufacturer of high-quality, non-combustible welding blankets and welding curtains for high-temperature applications in the industrial and automotive sectors. Our welding blankets and curtains, made from durable glass and silica fabrics, withstand extreme temperatures of up to 1600°C and provide reliable protection against sparks, welding splashes, and intense heat.

Our durable welding blankets and curtains offer application-optimized customization options to ensure ideal protection and performance in high-temperature industrial environments. With various coating options, we tailor our products to meet your specific requirements—from spark and heat protection to custom adjustments for extreme applications. Rely on our tailored solutions to achieve the best performance for your application.